MPWA Gateway | Multi Device Version | Latest : 8.x.x
Log Update
Log Update
Update March 7, 2024
🔔 Note: Since the latest update by WhatsApp, button, list, and message features are currently only supported on IOS devices and WhatsApp web.
* You are required to update to the latest version to continue using the WhatsApp Gateway. This update is crucial as it involves changes to the main library, where the old library has been removed.
🔄 Update Log:
- Update main dependency to the latest version 6.6.0
- Optimization of message sending API caching, faster performance
- Addition of media, file message in autoreply and blast message
- Change in blast message flow on the server side, faster processing
- Fix error if logged out on the mobile side
- Addition of parameters to the generate QR code API, to add a device if not already present
- Fix failed sending to 10-digit numbers
- Other minor updates.
To update, for simplicity, please replace the following folders, but before replacing them, please disable their Node.js:
- app
- config
- public
- resources
- routes
- server
- package.json (File)
And execute the following two SQL commands to add the "media" type to the 'type' column in the 'autoreplies' and 'blasts' tables:
sqlCopy code
ALTER TABLE autoreplies MODIFY COLUMN type ENUM('text', 'button', 'image', 'template', 'list', 'media'); ALTER TABLE blasts MODIFY COLUMN type ENUM('text', 'button', 'image', 'template', 'list', 'media');
Alternatively, you can add it manually.